May footsprint’s favorites:
5 sources dedicated to climate action and sustainability in the digital age.
Each month, discover a list of books, podcasts, studies and more, curated by our team to learn more or stay informed on environmental topics.

The Climat Fresk collaborative workshops to understand the essential issues of climate changes in order to take action (available in English and French).
Waterbear, the (free) Netflix-style streaming platform backed by Prince Harry and dedicated to the future of our planet.
The Awareness (30mins) or Complete (4h30) Sustainable IT Moocs created by the Institute of Sustainable IT to learn more about digital pollution (available in English and French).
NASA’s Global Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet provides many information and news about climate change, along with interactive features like the “Climate Time Machine”.
To stay informed, Volt’s biweekly newsletter about technology, politics & and policy of decarbonization.
The Climat Fresk’s collaborative workshops to understand the essential issues of climate changes in order to take action (available in English and French).
The Awareness (30mins) or Complete (4h30) Sustainable IT Moocs, created by the Institute of Sustainable IT, to learn more about digital pollution (available in English and French).
Waterbear, a (free) Netflix-style streaming platform dedicated to the future of our planet and providing access to a large panel of content on environnemental and social topics. Backed by Prince Harry, the platform partnered with more than 80 NGOs and charities around the world.
NASA’s Global Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet provides many information and news about climate change, along with interactive features like the “Climate Time Machine”.
To stay informed, Volt’s biweekly newsletter about technology, politics & and policy of decarbonization.